========= kw-remote ========= .. _remote-doc: SYNOPSIS ======== | *kw remote* [-v | \--verbose] | *kw remote* [--global] add @[:] | *kw remote* [--global] remove | *kw remote* [--global] rename | *kw remote* [--global] \--list | *kw remote* [--global] (-s | \--set-default)= DESCRIPTION =========== Manage the set of test machines ("remotes") you want kw to have easy access. This feature directly interacts with kw configuration for remote available locally at `.kw/remote.config` or globally at `~/.config/kw/remote.config`. OPTIONS ======= add : Adds a remote named for the test machine at . Notice that must follow the pattern `@[:]` where `remote` can be an IP or a name server and `:` is optional (default port is 22). remove : Remove the remote named . rename : Rename the remote named to . If you try a name already in use, kw will fail with a message. \--list: List all available remotes. \--global: Force use global config file instead of the local one. \-s=, \--set-default=: Set default remote to remote named . \-v, \--verbose: Be a little more verbose and show remote url after name. EXAMPLES ======== In case you want **kw** to track a new test machine, you can use:: cd kw remote add origin root@my-test-machine If you do not use port 22, you can use:: kw remote add my-x86-test-system root@my-test-machine:5555 If you want to remove some remote:: kw remote remove origin If you want to rename:: kw remote rename origina arm-device You can also list all your available remotes via:: kw remote --list If you want to set the default remote:: kw remote --set-default=new-default-remote