====== kw-ssh ====== .. _ssh-doc: SYNOPSIS ======== | *kw* (*s* | *ssh*) [(-s | \--script) ] | *kw* (*s* | *ssh*) [(-c | \--command) ] | *kw* (*s* | *ssh*) [(-r | \--remote) ] DESCRIPTION =========== Ssh into any machine reachable via the network. The ``--script`` parameter expects a bash script as a parameter to evaluate it in the target machine. The ``--command`` parameter expects a command to be executed inside of target machine. OPTIONS ======= -c , \--command : Receives a bash ** to be executed remotely in the target machine. -s , \--script : Receives the ** of a local script to be run remotely. -r , \--remote : Uses parameter to ssh into the target machine EXAMPLES ======== For these examples, we suppose the fields in your **kworkflow.config** file are already configured. After you start your VM you can ssh into it with:: kw s -c "dmesg -wH" kw s