

kw (d | deploy) [--remote <remote>:<port> | --local]

[--setup] [-r | --reboot] [--no-reboot] [-m | --modules] [-s | --ls-line] [-l | --list] [-a | --list-all] [(-u | --uninstall) <kernel-name>[,…]] [-f --force] [--alert=(s | v | (sv | vs) | n)] [-p | --create-package] [(-F | --from-package) <kw-package-path>]


If you are in a kernel directory, this command will try to install the current kernel version in your target machine (remote, host, and VM). If you want to install a kernel version in a remote machine, the following steps will be executed:

  1. Prepare a local directory with all the required files;

  2. Send all the files to the target machine; and

  3. Execute the operations that will update the target machine.

You can specify the deploy target via command line by using the flag --remote <remote>:<port> (e.g., --remote; however, if you do this frequently you will probably prefer to add this information to your local kworkflow.config. See the example below:


If you want to install a new kernel version in your host machine, you can use the flag --local; you will need to use your root password.

Another typical operation when deploying a new kernel to a test machine, it is the reboot after the update. You can explicitly say it for kw by adding the flag --reboot, add this to the kworkflow.config with:


This can be used with conjunction the build command by invoking kw bd.


--remote <remote>:<port>:

Deploy the Kernel image and modules to a machine in the network.


Deploy the Kernel image and modules in the host machine, you will need root access. kw deploy --local should not be executed with sudo or root.

-r, --reboot:

Reboot machine after deploy.


Do not reboot machine after deploy.


This command runs a basic setup in the target machine, including installing packages and preparing the distro for the deploy.

-m, --modules:

Only install/update modules.

-l, --list:

List available kernels in a single column the target.

-a, --list-all:

List all available kernels, including the ones not installed by kw.

-s, --ls-line:

List available kernels separated by comma.

-u <kernel-name>[,…], --uninstall <kernel-name>[,…]:

Remove a single kernel or multiple kernels; for removing multiple kernels it is necessary to separate them with comma.

-f, --force:

Remove kernels even if they were not installed by kw (only valid with --uninstall or -u). Trying to remove a kernel not directly managed by kw can lead to system failures, and it is not recommended; only use it if you are sure about what you are doing.

-p, --create-package:

It is possible to create a kw package that can be shared with other users and deployed with kw. This option instructs kw to just generate the package without deploying it; notice that the package will be available in the current folder.

-F, --from-package:

You can use this option to deploy a custom kernel from kw package.

--alert=(s | v | (sv | vs) | n):
Defines the alert behaviour upon the command completion.
s enables sound notification.
v enables visual notification.
sv or vs enables both.
n (or any other option) disables notifications (this is the default).


Only run commands related to VM after you turn it off. Under the hood, it executes the mount operation, followed by make modules_install with a specific target, and finally umounts the QEMU image.


For these examples, we suppose the fields in your kworkflow.config file are already configured.

First, if you are working in a specific kernel module, and if you want to install your recent changes in your local machine you can use:

cd <kernel-path>
kw d --local --modules

For building and installing a new module version based on the current kernel version, you can use:

cd <kernel-path>
kw bd

Now, let’s say that you set up your configuration file to deploy your new kernel to a machine reachable via ssh. You can run the following command in order to prepare your target machine to receive your new kernel via kw d:

kw deploy --setup

Alternatively, you can just run kw d directly; the standard behavior will automatically run the setup operation in your first deploy.

Suppose that you want to share a specific kernel with someone else for validation; you can generate a kw package with:

kw deploy --create-package

The above command will create a *.kw.tar package file that can be shared with any other kw user. If you want to install a custom kernel from this package, you can use:

kw deploy --from-package