About Tests

About Tests#

Kw’s tests rely on shunit2. The run_tests.sh script automatically detects shunit2 in $PATH in case it is installed in your system. Alternatively, you can have shunit2 source code in tests/ (you can clone it from kward/shunit2).

In order to run the integration tests, it is necessary to install Podman and to configure it to run in rootless mode as explained in the official documentation: containers/podman. Podman is available via the default package manager of popular distros, such as Arch, Debian, Fedora and those based on them.

If you want to run all the tests, try:


List all available test files:

./run_tests.sh list

Or run individual tests with:

./run_tests.sh test TEST_FILE_1 ...

To limit the scope of the tests, pass the flag –unit or –integration as the first argument to any of the examples above. So, the syntax is:

./run_tests.sh [scope] [command] [args]

Where [scope] can be –unit or –integration. The placeholder [command] can be either list, test or simply omitted in order to run all tests. Here are some examples:

./run_tests.sh --unit                       # run all unit tests
./run_tests.sh --unit list                  # list all unit tests
./run_tests.sh --unit test device           # test device unit test
./run_tests.sh --unit clear-cache           # clear unit tests cache
./run_tests.sh --integration                # run all integration tests
./run_tests.sh --integration list           # list all integration tests
./run_tests.sh --integration test device    # test device integration test
./run_tests.sh --integration clear-cache    # clear integration tests cache
./run_tests.sh                              # run all tests
./run_tests.sh list                         # list all tests
./run_tests.sh test device                  # run all device tests
./run_tests.sh clear-cache                  # clear all cache

The integration tests can take over 10 minutes to run in the first time because podman is building the container images to be used in the tests, which requires installing kw’s dependencies in the supported distros. After the images have been built and cached, running the integration tests should take only a few seconds each time.

Then, the local kw repo is copied to the containers and installed again, which takes very few seconds. For optimization purposes, the containers are reused across tests. If you add a new commit or checkout to another branch, such that HEAD points to another commit, the containers will be destroyed and created again in order to install the current local version of kw.

Kw is already prepared to run tests, build the documentation and check the installation in the github workflow.