kw-backup - Save and restore kw internal data

kw-backup - Save and restore kw internal data#


kw backup [<path>]
kw backup (-r | --restore) <path> [(-f | --force)]
kw backup (--verbose)


If you provide a path, a tar.gz file will be generated and stored in <path>, containing all the data found in the KW_DATA_DIR folder. If no path is provided, then the backup will be stored in the current directory.


-r, --restore <path>:

This option allows you to recover all the data from kw, by extracting a tar.gz file located in <path> and storing it back again in the KW_DATA_DIR folder. If files with the same name are found during the restoration process, then it will by default ask you on how to proceed. To simply replace all files from KW_DATA_DIR with the backup, you may use the --force option.


Verbose mode is an option that causes the kw program to display debug messages to track its progress. This functionality is very useful during the debugging process, allowing you to identify possible errors more easily.


To generate a backup file in your current directory, run:

kw backup

You can also specify the directory to save the backup. Let’s say you want to save it into /documents/backup, then run:

kw backup /documents/backup

To restore a backup, use the --restore option. Suppose you want to restore the backup stored in /documents/backup/kw-backup-from-yesterday.tar.gz, run:

kw backup --restore /documents/backup/kw-backup-from-yesterday.tar.gz