kw-report - Display user reports#
kw keeps track of some data operations; the most prominent example is the Pomodoro feature. This feature intends to keep all procedures related to data processing that will end up as a report for the user.
Another help feature is the --statistics | -s
option that keeps track of
metadata regarding utilization of features. This data is used to show kw
usage statistics. In summary, this feature keeps track of:
Deploy (included list and uninstall)
For all the data tracked by kw, users can retrieve the total amount of time
spent by a specific command, the average time consumed by the feature and the
shortest and highest time required for executing the feature. All of this
information can be retrieved by the --statistics | -s
option, the suboptions
define the levels of granularity.
The collection of the data processed and displayed by --statistics
optional and can be disabled by disabling disable_statistics_data_track
option in kworkflow.config
- --day[=<year>/<month>/<day>]:
Display day summary. Users have the option to search a specific date by passing an argument that follows the <year>/<month>/<day> format. Not passing anything and gets info about today.
- --week[=<year>/<month>/<day>]:
Shows the week summary. If a user does not pass any parameter kw will show the current week statistics. However, users can pass a random date <year>/<month>/<day> and let kw take care to provide a summary related to the week related to the target date.
- --month[=<year>/<month>]:
This option shows a report regarding a specific month. Users can search for data related to a specific month by providing a parameter in the <year>/<month> format. If the user does not pass any parameter, kw displays the current month data.
- --year[=<year>]:
Exhibits the current year summary if the user does not specify <year>.
- --all:
Display all information for the current date. You can choose the date and range with date options.
- --pomodoro:
Display current date pomodoro report. You can choose the date and range with date options.
- --statistics:
Display statistics for the current date. You can choose the date and range with date options.
- --output <file-path>:
Save the output of the report to <file-path>.
- --verbose:
Display commands executed under the hood.
First of all, for these examples, we suppose that you have the disable_statistics_data_track option in your kworkflow.config enabled for a while.
You can see data related to your kw usage by using the report option, see some examples below:
kw report
kw report --day
kw report --week
kw report --month
kw report --year
kw report --all --day
kw report --all --week
kw report --all --month
kw report --all --year
kw report --pomodoro --day
kw report --pomodoro --week
kw report --pomodoro --month
kw report --pomodoro --year
kw report --statistics --day
kw report --statistics --week
kw report --statistics --month
kw report --statistics --year
You can also request a specific day, week, month, or year. For example:
kw report --day=2020/05/12
kw report --week=2020/02/29
kw report --month=2020/04
kw report --year=1984
kw report --all --day=2020/05/12
kw report --all --week=2020/02/29
kw report --all --month=2020/04
kw report --all --year=1984
kw report --pomodoro --day=2020/05/12
kw report --pomodoro --week=2020/02/29
kw report --pomodoro --month=2020/04
kw report --pomodoro --year=1984
kw report --statistics --day=2020/05/12
kw report --statistics --week=2020/02/29
kw report --statistics --month=2020/04
kw report --statistics --year=1984