kw-init - Create kw basic config files

kw-init - Create kw basic config files#


kw init [--verbose] [--template[=name]]
kw init [--verbose] [--arch <name>][--remote <user>@<ip>:<port>][--target <target>]


This command creates a .kw folder containing default configuration files in the current kernel directory. The primary reason for running kw init is to pick up freshly created config files.



kw supports some pre-defined configurations for specific targets, and users can select them using the template parameter. If the user does not provide any input, kw will show all the available templates, and the user just needs to pick one. If the user provides the template name, kw will use it for creating the local config file.

--arch <arch>:

Set the variable arch from the newly created build.config file. Before actually changing it, this option checks if <arch> is a valid architecture found in the arch folder from the kernel directory.

--remote <user>@<ip>:<port>:

Set the variables ssh_user, ssh_ip, and ssh_port to <user>, <ip>, and <port>, respectively.

--target <target>:

Set the variable default_deploy_target from deploy.config to <target>, which can be local or remote.


Verbose mode allows the user to see the commands executed under the hood.


For these examples, we suppose that the kernel directory is your current directory.

For initializing a build.config with arch set to arm, use:

kw init --arch arm

To initialize build.config with arch set to x86 and a kworkflow.config with ssh_user set to john, ssh_ip set to localhost, and ssh_port set to 2222, run:

kw init --arch x86 --remote john@localhost:2222

For initializing a build.config with arch set to arm64, a deploy.config with target set to remote and a kworkflow.config with ssh_user mary, ssh_ip localhost, and ssh_port 1234, run:

kw init --arch arm64 --remote mary@localhost:1234 --target remote

Kw provides some default templates that can be useful for the first setup. Users can see and interactively select the target option by using:

kw init --template

Alternatively, if the user knows which template they want to use:

kw init --template=rpi4-raspbian-64-cross-x86-arm

Keep in mind that you are still able to combine other parameters with the template feature, for example:

kw init --template=rpi4-raspbian-64-cross-x86-arm --remote mary@localhost:1234 --target remote