kw-pomodoro - Create and manage Pomodoro timers

kw-pomodoro - Create and manage Pomodoro timers#


kw (p | pomodoro) (-t | --set-timer) <time>(h | m | s) [(-g | --tag) <tag> [(-d | --description) <desc>] [--verbose]]
kw (p | pomodoro) (-c | --check-timer) [--verbose]
kw (p | pomodoro) (-s | --show-tags) [--verbose]
kw (p | pomodoro) (--repeat-previous) [--verbose]


This feature provides a way for kernel developers to manage their time through the Pomodoro technique.

One helpful feature associated with timers is the --tag | -g option since it allows users to associate a simple tag to their timebox. Later, users can generate a report that will display their focus time per tag. Users can register a tag by simply use kw pomodoro --tag <name>. The maximum length for this tag is 32 characters. Optionally, users can provide an extra level of details by associating a description to a specific tag by using --description | -d. It is recommended to use this option with the same tag and update the description every time you work on a specific task; with that, kw can generate a fine-grained report within a set of descriptions shown nested to a particular tag.

Naturally, users might forget the tag name that they registered for a specific task. For trying to help with this task, users can use kw pomodoro --show-tags to show all tags registered; the output also provides the tag ID.


It is highly recommended to use tags and descriptions with a timebox.


-t <time>(h | m | s), --set-timer <time>(h | m | s):

This option expects an integer <time> that indicates the timer for the Pomodoro timebox. It is mandatory to add a suffix that indicates the time unit, which can be h (hour), m (minutes), or s (seconds).

-g <tag>, --tag <tag>:

Associate a tag to the timebox. If <tag> is an integer, kw will try to match it with an existent tag ID and translate it to the corresponding tag name. This option needs to be used in conjunction with --set-timer

-d <desc>, --description <desc>:

This option allows for more descriptive text associated with the timer. The max length is 512 characters and this option needs to be used in conjunction with --tag and --set-timer.

-c, --check-timer:

This option shows information associated of each active Pomodoro timebox.

-s, --show-tags:

This option shows all the registered tags.


This option repeats the last Pomodoro session with the same tag name and description, if applicable.


Display commands executed under the hood.


Create a Pomodoro timebox of 10 minutes without tags:

kw pomodoro --set-timer 10m

Show active Pomodoro timeboxes:

kw pomodoro --check-timer

Show all registered tags:

kw pomodoro --show-tags

Create a Pomodoro timebox of 1 hour with tag name ‘kernel-dev’ and description ‘amd-gfx patch reviews’:

kw pomodoro --set-timer 1h --tag 'kernel-dev' --description 'amd-gfx patch reviews'

To repeat that last Pomodoro session:

kw pomodoro --repeat-previous

Create a Pomodoro timebox of 99 seconds with tag name corresponding to the tag of ID 42:

kw pomodoro --set-timer 99s --tag 'kernel-dev