kw-env - kw environment manager#
When working with the Linux kernel, we might want to run different tests to fix some specific issues. One typical example is when a developer works with 64-bit architecture but has to check if the 32-bit compilation works fine; this effort requires changes in the config file and other parts. Another case is when a developer uses the same kernel for a test machine with configuration X, but they also need to check another device with configuration Y. kw env makes the developer’s life easier by isolating multiple contexts in their environment.
When you create a new env, kw will isolate:
1. All kw configs per env. This means that you can have one dedicated configuration per env;
2. Associate the kernel config file with the new env. In other words, in the same kernel, you can have different kernel configs file per env;
Isolate compiled file per env.
kw does not support the concept of global env. You must have one env per kernel repository.
- -c, --create <ENV_NAME>:
The create parameter expects a string to be used as an env name. When kw create a new env it instantiates the current kw configurations to the new env.
- -u, --use <ENV_NAME>:
Change from one env to another previously created.
- -d, --destroy <ENV_NAME>:
The destroy parameter expects a string with the name of the env you want to destroy.
- -l, --list:
It shows all envs created via --create option.
- -e, --exit-env:
Allow users to “exit” the env feature. If the user is using a specific env and doesn’t want to use it anymore, the –exit-env option will remove all symbolic links and copy the current env’s configuration files to the .kw.
- --verbose:
Verbose mode is an option that causes the kw program to display debug messages to track its progress. This functionality is very useful during the debugging process, allowing you to identify possible errors more easily.
If you want to create a new env, you can use:
cd <kernel-path>
kw env --create MY_NEW_ENV
kw env --create 32-BIT-COMPILATION
If you want to create a new env, you can use:
kw env --use 32-BIT-COMPILATION
If you want to destroy an environment:
kw env --destroy MY_NEW_ENV
kw env --destroy 32-BIT-COMPILATION
If you want to list the available envs:
kw env --list
If you want to exit the env feature:
kw env --exit-env