How to setup kworkflow#

Downloading kw#

First of all, let’s download kw:

git clone

We recommend checking out the unstable branch, to get the latest version of software:

git checkout unstable

Alternatively, you can check if kw is available in your distribution package manager. For example, on debian-based distributions, you can try:

sudo apt install kworkflow

but keep in mind that it might not get you kw’s latest version.

Installing kw#

First, cd into the repository you cloned:

cd kworkflow

Then install kw:

./ --install

You can check out more details in kw env.

Actually, in this folder you can see three executables:, and kw.

  • is used by kw’s developers to run its test suite;

  • is used to install kw to your system, like we just did;

  • kw is kw’s main executable, but it should normally not be called from this folder: will alter it slightly when installing it in your system.

After install kw, you should be able to call kw directly from the command line. For example, to display kw’s help message:

kw help

You can check out more details in installing kw. After installing, you should check that everything is working as expected. Try running:

kw version

Kw’s autocompletion may not have been loaded by your shell after installation. To load it, simply restart the shell.

Configuring kw#

Kw works with three levels of configuration files: global, user, and local. The global configuration file contains the default values for options and may be in any of the folders listed in echo "$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS" where, for each folder FOLDER, the config file has to be located in $FOLDER/kw/kworkflow.config. The user configuration file is valid for a single user and lives in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/kw/kworkflow.config (hint: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is usually located at ~/.config by default).

At last, the local option is specific to a directory. You can run:

kw init

to create a file kworkflow.config in any directory and, if kw is called from there, it will use that configuration file. This is useful, for example, if you work with more than one kernel repository and would like kw to behave differently for each one of them.

Actually, kw always parses all three levels of configurations, but local has precedence over user, which has precedence over global, and then every folder in the XDG_CONFIG_DIRS list is also parsed with precedence inversely proportional to its place on the list. This means you could use a local kworkflow.config to only override specific options, leaving the rest as defined in the global configuration file.

When configuring kw, you might want to start looking at theses options:
  • ssh_ip and ssh_port define the IP address and port kw will use when calling ssh

  • default_deploy_target defines if the deploy of a kernel build is to be

    done locally (local) or to a remote machine (remote);

  • alert defines if kw should notify you visually (v), with sound (s), both (vs) or no notification at all (n). Default is n.

After making some changes, check that kw is incorporating them with:

kw config --show

which simply shows all the defined configuration options.

Taking a look around#

Let’s see some of kw in action. cd into you kernel repository and try the following command:

kw m sound/core/

kw m is short for kw maintainers, which is a wrapper around the kernel script It shows you who is the maintainer of a given file or folder in the kernel repository and which are the mailing lists relevant to that file (that is, which mailing lists should receive a patch to that file). Now try:

kw c drivers/gpu/drm/vkms

kw c is short for kw codestyle, which is a wrapper around another kernel script:, which checks if the code in a given file or directory is conforming to linux’s coding style.

Finally, take a glance over all of kw’s options with:

kw man

Next steps#

Next, you might want to build your kernel using kw. Then, you might want to deploy (see kw deploy) it, that is, install it in some machine. Unless you know what you are doing, you shouldn’t do that to your own main machine (locally). Instead, configure a virtual machine following this tutorial. Another alternative is to use an external machine, with which you can communicate through ssh. By the way, these three possible ways to deploy a kernel (local, VM and remote) correspond to the options kw deploy accepts: --local and --remote.